2025 KFC Application FormΔ Subscribe Kingswood Food Club Membership Application Form 2025Once you've applied, you will receive an email letting you know if we have space for you (we usually do). Our emails sometimes end up in spam/junk so check there if you haven't heard from us. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Each household is allowed ONE membershipIn shared housing, each private room counts as an individual household. Membership lasts for the whole of 2025 and costs £2 per household Completing the application form doesn't guarantee membershipWe need to limit membership based on availability of groceries. Approved applicants need to pay £2 to join. When full, waitlist priority will be given to BS15 households. Proof of address will be required on your first visit. The weekly food club fee is £3 for a bag of groceries We take payment by cash or card when you come to Food Club. PreviousApplyYour Contact DetailsFirst NameLast NamePhone/MobileEmailYour Household DetailsAddress Line 1Address Line 2Address Line 3Post CodeIncluding yourself, how many people live in your household? If you live in a shared house, each person's room is treated as an individual household. Number of adults (18+)- Select -12345678910+Number of children (under 18)- Select -012345678910+Total number of adults and children in householdHouseholds of 4+ peopleAs your household has 4+ people, you have the option to have double shops every week (subject to availability). Would you like a single or double shop every week? Single (£3pw) Double (£6pw)PreviousNextPersonal InformationThe next part of this application asks for some personal details. You don't have to answer the questions. If you don't want to answer, there is always a 'prefer not to say' option. We understand that some of these questions are personal and private. But it really helps us if you do answer because: - It shows us who our members are so that we can think about how to improve our service to you - We can work out if there are parts of our community we aren’t reaching who might need support - We can demonstrate to funders that we are working with the communities we said we would work with - We can show our supporters and funders that the work we do is valuable This information will be used for statistical reporting. Anything you tell us will be kept private and anonymous – we won't know who said what or share this with anyone else. The information we store about you is kept safe in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 UK and UK GDPR.BackContinue to questionsYour Personal Details (Adult One)What age group do you belong to?- Select -18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerWhat best describes your ethnic group or background?- Select -WhiteMixed / Multiple Ethnic GroupsAsian / Asian BritishBlack / African / Caribbean / Black BritishOther Ethnic GroupPrefer not to sayWhite- Select -1. English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British2. Irish3. Gypsy or Irish Traveller4. Any other white background, please describePlease describe Mixed / Multiple Ethnic Groups- Select -5. White and Black Caribbean6. White and Black African7. White and Asian8. Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background, please describePlease describe Asian / Asian British - Select -9. Indian10. Pakistani11. Bangladeshi12. Chinese13. Any other Asian background, please describePlease describe Black / African / Caribbean / Black British- Select -14. African15. Caribbean16. Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please describePlease describe Other Ethnic Group- Select -17. Arab18. Any other ethnic group, please describePlease describe What best describes your gender?-Select-MaleFemalePrefer not to sayPrefer to self-describe (please specify below)Please type your gender hereWhat is your current employment status?-Select-Employed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOther, please describeEmployment Status - OtherWhat is, or was, your main occupation? Eg. Carer, Builder, Home Maker. If you prefer not to answer, please type NO ANSWER.Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? Please include any mental ill-health and problems related to old age. Yes No Prefer not to sayPlease indicate your disability(ies) Vision Hearing Mobility Stamina or difficulty breathing Learning, concentrating or remembering Mental health Social or behavioural (eg. Autism, ADHD) Prefer not to say Other, please describePlease specify your disabilities hereDo you have caring responsibilities for one or more children or adults? (select all that apply) No Primary carer of a child or children (under 18 years) Primary carer of a child or children who is disabled or has a health condition or illness, or temporary care needs (under 18 years) Primary carer or assistant for a disabled adult or adults (18 years and over) Primary carer or assistant for an older person or people (65 years and over) Secondary carer (another person carries out main caring role) Prefer not to sayBackContinueDetails of other AdultsAdult Two DetailsTheir Age GroupAdult two age group18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayTheir Employment StatusTheir Employment StatusEmployed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOtherWhat is, or was, their main occupation? Do they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayAdult Three DetailsTheir Age GroupTheir Age Group18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayTheir Employment StatusTheir Employment StatusEmployed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOtherWhat is, or was, their main occupation? Do they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayAdult Four DetailsTheir Age GroupTheir Age Group18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayTheir Employment StatusTheir Employment StatusEmployed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOtherWhat is, or was, their main occupation? Do they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayAdult Five DetailsTheir Age GroupTheir Age Group18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayTheir Employment StatusTheir Employment StatusEmployed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOtherWhat is, or was, their main occupation? Do they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayAdult Six DetailsTheir Age GroupTheir Age Group18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayTheir Employment StatusTheir Employment StatusEmployed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOtherWhat is, or was, their main occupation? Do they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayAdult Seven DetailsTheir Age GroupTheir Age Group18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayTheir Employment StatusTheir Employment StatusEmployed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOtherWhat is, or was, their main occupation? Do they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayAdult Eight DetailsTheir Age GroupTheir Age Group18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayTheir Employment StatusTheir Employment StatusEmployed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOtherWhat is, or was, their main occupation? Do they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayAdult Nine DetailsTheir Age GroupTheir Age Group18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayWhat is, or was, their main occupation? Their Employment StatusTheir Employment StatusEmployed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOtherDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayAdult Ten DetailsTheir Age GroupTheir Age Group18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 or AbovePrefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayWhat is, or was, their main occupation? Their Employment StatusTheir Employment StatusEmployed - Full TimeEmployed - Part TimeSelf-EmployedStudentUnemployed - Looking for WorkUnemployed - Not Looking for WorkNot in Employment - Full-Time CarerRetiredPrefer not to sayOtherDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChildren(s) Details Child One DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChild Two DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChild Three DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChild Four DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChild Five DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChild Six DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChild Seven DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChild Eight DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChild Nine DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayChild Ten DetailsAge (years)Age (years)01234567891011121314151617Prefer Not to AnswerAge (months)Age (months)01234567891011Prefer Not to AnswerTheir GenderTheir GenderMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to sayDo they have a disability?Do they have a disability?Yes - PhysicalYes - MentalYes - Physical & MentalNoPrefer not to sayPreviousNextOnce you have submitted this form, you will receive email confirmation that we have received your application. Please check your junk/spam folders. We will be in contact if membership spaces become available. Subscribe me to the We are BS15 Newsletter Yes No I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy Previous Submit Application